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Notizie contenenti il tag PLM

Just Style verleiht Centric Software für KI-Innovationen und andere Leistungen ganze vier Auszeichnungen

Tecnologia Centric Software digitale Transformation PLM

Centric bei den Just Style Awards 2024 für herausragende Leistungen in den Bereichen Innovation, Produkteinführung, F&E und M&A ausgezeichnet

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Just Style décerne quatre prix à Centric Software, notamment pour ses innovations dans le domaine de l’intelligence artificielle

Tecnologia Centric Software PLM transformation digitale

Lors de l’édition 2024 des prix attribués par sa rédaction, le magazine Just Style a récompensé Centric pour son excellence dans les catégories suivantes : innovation, lancements produit, recherche...

postato da mariateresa rubino || 1 mese fa

Just Style entrega a Centric Software cuatro premios como felicitación por sus innovaciones en IA y otros logros

Tecnologia Centric Software PLM transformación digital

Centric reconocida por excelencia en Innovación, Lanzamiento de Productos, Investigación y Desarrollo, y Fusiones y Adquisiciones en los Premios de Excelencia Just Style 2024

postato da mariateresa rubino || 1 mese fa

Just Style premia Centric Software per le innovazioni legate all’IA e per altro, attribuendole 4 award

Tecnologia Centric Software PLM trasformazione digitale

Con i Just Style Award 2024, a Centric viene riconosciuta l’eccellenza nell'innovazione, nei lanci di prodotto, nella Ricerca e Sviluppo e nelle fusioni e acquisizioni

postato da mariateresa rubino || 1 mese fa

Just Style Applauds Centric Software for AI Innovations and More with 4 Awards

Tecnologia Centric Software Just Style Awards PLM

Centric recognized for excellence in innovation, product launches, R&D and M&A in Just Style’s 2024 awards

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Sportswear-Riese Xtep würdigt herausragende Partnerschaft mit Centric Software

Tecnologia Centric Software PLM Xtep Group

Chinesen zeichnen Centric Software für tragende Rolle bei der digitalen Transformation aus

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Gigante do Esporte, Xtep, Reconhece Parceria Excepcional com a Centric Software

Tecnologia Centric Software PLM Xtep Group

Empresa chinesa premia a Centric Software por seu papel crucial na transformação digital

postato da mariateresa rubino || 1 mese fa

Le géant de l’habillement sportif Xtep récompense Centric Software pour sa contribution exceptionnelle

Tecnologia Centric Software PLM Xtep Group

L’entreprise chinoise remet un prix à Centric Software pour son rôle stratégique dans sa transformation digitale.

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Gigante de ropa deportiva Xtep reconoce excelente asociación con Centric Software

Tecnologia Centric Software PLM Xtep Group

Empresa china premia a Centric Software por su papel crucial en transformación digital

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Sportswear Giant Xtep Recognizes Outstanding Partnership with Centric Software

Tecnologia Centric Software PLM Xtep Group

Chinese awards Centric Software for crucial role in digital transformation

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Il gigante dell'abbigliamento sportivo Xtep premia l’eccezionale collaborazione con Centric Software

Tecnologia Centric Software PLM Xtep Group

Dal cliente cinese un riconoscimento per il ruolo cruciale svolto da Centric Software nella trasformazione digitale

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Leder & Schuh Group Boosts Margins with Centric Pricing & Inventory

Tecnologia Centric Software Leder & Schuh PLM

150-year-old footwear company uses AI-powered Centric Pricing & Inventory to set pricing with excellent results

postato da mariateresa rubino || 1 mese fa

SNS Boosts Food R&D Agility with Centric PLM

Tecnologia Centric Software digital transformation PLM SNS

Leading compound seasonings company collaborates with Centric Software to digitally transform R&D, reducing product development cycle time by 38%

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Kasih Food Production Co. setzt mit Centric PLM auf mehr Wachstum

Tecnologia Centric Software Kasih Food Production Co. PLM

Führender Hersteller mediterraner Lebensmittel nutzt Software von Centric zur schnelleren Entwicklung neuer Produkte

postato da mariateresa rubino || 1 mese fa

Kasih Food Production Co. Lança Centric PLM para Possibilitar o Crescimento

Tecnologia Centric Software Kasih Food Production Co. PLM

Principal produtor de alimentos do Mediterrâneo se associa à Centric Software para acelerar o desenvolvimento de novos produtos

postato da mariateresa rubino || 1 mese fa

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