Introduction When you see a sex doll torso in a store, it is nearly impossible to think how much it weighs. Sex doll torsos are designed and sewn by experts who know what they are doing. It’s not...

The weight of the sex doll torso

Attualità postato da hydoll || 2 anni fa

Introduction When you see a sex doll torso in a store, it is nearly impossible to think how much it weighs. Sex doll torsos are designed and sewn by experts who know what they are doing. It’s not the same as buying clothing or other things that don’t need to weigh so much. How heavy is a sex doll torso? The weight of a sex doll torso is important to consider. Sex doll torsos come in a variety of weights and sizes, which can make it difficult for you to choose one that fits your needs. You should think about what you're looking for before you make your decision so that you can find something that works best for you. The weight of a sex doll torso is directly related to the weight and height of the sex doll. Generally speaking, a larger sex doll will weigh more than a smaller one because it has more material in it. In general, tall men prefer larger torsos which are heavier than those that are shorter. The same goes for women who prefer large breasts with wide shoulders and hips. The reason for this is so that they can rest their heads on them when they sleep together at night time instead of having to hold onto each other all night long while trying not to fall off from exhaustion!