There are many traditions related to a marriage, religious or civil: the wedding dress almost always chosen in the traditional white color, the choice to launch or not the wedding bouquet to the un...

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There are many traditions related to a marriage, religious or civil: the wedding dress almost always chosen in the traditional white color, the choice to launch or not the wedding bouquet to the unmarried guests at the end of the reception, the coin to put in wedding shoe as good luck, etc. While those just listed are traditions that can be followed or not, there is one that instead remains unchanged since ancient times, or the exchange of wedding rings, rigorously put on the left ring finger. Have you ever wondered why this ancient gesture? Meaning of faiths over time Since the earliest times, faith represents trust and mutual love, a promise that the two couples are about to make for a future to share in all its aspects. From the ancient Egyptians to the present day, even if with a slightly different meaning, the wedding rings represent a symbol that has remained unchanged over time, for the barbarians, for example, it symbolized the power and submission of women to man. The real tradition of exchanging rings seems to have begun in the 16th century, when the spouses also made them engrave with their names, another tradition carried on by modern couples who often prefer to engrave romantic phrases to dedicate to them. one another as well as the wedding date. Why bring her to the fourth finger? That faith is a very ancient tradition and that its meaning of promise of love goes back to very remote times there is no doubt. But why the choice to bring it to the left ring finger? This custom is common to many cultures, except those of northern Europe that instead put it on the right. The explanations are multiple. According to Christian tradition, the ring finger represents the fourth finger that the priest uses in invoking the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The ring finger is therefore seen as the finger that symbolizes loyalty and protection. The Egyptians, on the other hand, held that the vein radiating toward the heart passed through the fourth left finger. Also from the anatomical point of view it is thought that the ring finger is the first finger to form in the fetus during pregnancy. Article Source:
