Typically, the male character is a robot. This can be a Gundam or any other fictional robotic humanoid, but often it's just some guy in a suit with no discernable body underneath. The female charac...

The typical anime sex toy is a female character.

Attualità postato da hydoll || 2 anni fa

Typically, the male character is a robot. This can be a Gundam or any other fictional robotic humanoid, but often it's just some guy in a suit with no discernable body underneath. The female character is always human and usually has very large anime eyes and large breasts. Sometimes they have long black hair down to their waist; sometimes they have short hair and are wearing glasses; sometimes they’re schoolgirls or maids or nurses or nuns (and sometimes all of those things at once). Anime sex toys are popular with middle-aged otaku. You're probably familiar with the term otaku. If not, it's a Japanese word that refers to people who are obsessed with anime and manga. If you're wondering why I'm telling you about this, it's because otaku typically have a lot of money to throw around on anime-related goods—like toys. It's also worth mentioning that not all otaku are middle-aged men. Some are women or younger men (or both).