Everyone usually sits in the office, and there are still relatively few people standing. However, according to the American Annals of Internal Medicine, when people are awake, they spend more than...

Attualità postato da standingdesk202211 || 1 anno fa

Everyone usually sits in the office, and there are still relatively few people standing. However, according to the American Annals of Internal Medicine, when people are awake, they spend more than half of their time sitting on average, and they sit when they are working. , sitting while driving, even when returning home, the health risks caused by prolonged sitting are becoming more and more serious. To counteract the health effects of prolonged sitting and counteract the damage caused by prolonged inactivity, a growing trend, standing desk is gradually entering the public eye. More and more people are starting to use sit stand desk for home office communication, and companies have gradually begun to purchase elevating desks for employees. A survey by the American Society for Human Resource Management found that L shaped standing desk is a fast-growing corporate wellbeing trend. In 2013, 13% of employers provided or financed the purchase of standing desks, up from 44% in 2017 and 60% in 2020. What are the common benefits of adjustable height desk principles? Next we’ll share some research on the benefits of standing desks, while discussing our experiences and those of others transitioning to standing desks. What FEZIBO wants to tell you is that standing office has the following benefits: weight loss, higher productivity, lower diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc., energy and good mood, less back pain. There are so many benefits of standing office, FEZIBO will explain them one by one below. productive forces DANFOIS published an experiment in New York Magazine, where he stood for a full 30 days. The only time he's not standing is when he's sleeping or going to the toilet. Notable among them is the marked increase in his productivity. "I've drastically reduced my time wasting, editing and writing more than I can remember in any month," he says. Such experiences are not uncommon. Many people notice that when they add standing poses to their routine, they tend to be more productive. At the same time, less time is spent on social media and other inefficient tasks. A study of group workers in call centers found that those who stood on the phone had a 23 percent higher success rate than those who sat. The researchers also noticed differences in employees' comfort levels, attitudes toward work, and how they felt about themselves. The researchers believe that this may be because combat power increases blood circulation and improves mental function. For this reason, many large companies offer electric standing desk to their employees, including Google and Facebook. A University of Washington study shows that working while standing can inspire creativity and collaboration. At least one reason is that people move and approach a colleague's desk at a higher rate when they're standing than when they're sitting. So it is necessary to buy a small standing desk or an adjustable desk with drawers. lose weight According to a study by the Center for Physical Activity and Weight Management, standing burns 10 percent more calories than sitting. The researchers asked 74 people to wear masks that measure oxygen consumption and followed three groups of participants. They found that the seated participants burned 80 calories per hour, the standing participants burned 88 calories per hour, and the walking participants burned 210 calories per hour. It doesn't seem like consuming an extra 8 calories per hour matters, especially when you consider that many people who stand at desks don't stand all day. If you stand at your standing computer desk for half a workday and work 8 hours a day, then 4 hours of standing is 32 calories more than 8 hours of sitting. If you work 5 days a week, 44 weeks a year, multiplied by 32 calories, you'll get an extra 7,040 calories in a year (just over 2 pounds, close to 1 kilogram, girls know that losing 2 pounds of meat is good for them how important and daunting the mission is). The Journal of Occupational Medicine explained in a March 2017 publication that standing desks "offer an opportunity to increase energy expenditure throughout the workday." They further explain, "Although this small is modest, but builds up over time can be an important part of a public health strategy to prevent weight gain in people working at a desk.” The numbers we just discussed are in line with many starting to use a standing desk The experience of the people at the table is consistent - they usually lose a little weight, but not a lot. People used more energy when they were standing than when they were sitting, and when they used more energy, they tended to be more active. Use a standing gaming desk to become part of an active lifestyle. Another factor to consider is that when people stand at their desks, they often don't just stand still. It is common for people to move, stretch, squat or dance while standing at their desk. They also tended to leave their desks more frequently. Reduce diabetes, heart disease, cancer and more There is a wealth of research that tells us that in the United States, sitting for long periods of time can significantly increase the incidence of some of the leading causes of death. Important research that has been published has found that a sedentary lifestyle is associated with higher rates of heart disease (the leading cause of death), cancer (the second leading cause of death) and diabetes (the seventh leading cause of death). Diabetes According to DR.I-Min Lee, a professor at Harvard Medical School (HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL), sitting for long periods of time reduces the metabolism of fat and sugar, increasing the risk of diabetes and heart disease. The Australian study found that after sitting for 5 hours, plasma levels and glucose levels were 20% higher than those who did light exercise every 20 minutes. Another study found that sitting most of the time for a 24-hour period reduced insulin's effectiveness in controlling blood sugar by 40 percent. Sitting 6 hours a day for two weeks can cause LDL and other fatty substances to rise and the enzymes that break them down to decrease.It is necessary to buy the best ergonomic office chair.

Fonte: https://www.fezibo.com/collections/standing-desk