Where can you buy a torso Nowadays you can find torso sex dolls almost anywhere but some of them are incredibly realistic and will cost you a considerable amount of money. If you’re looking for som...

Love dolls with extra-mileage: an introduction to torso sex dolls

Attualità postato da hydoll || 2 anni fa

Where can you buy a torso Nowadays you can find torso sex dolls almost anywhere but some of them are incredibly realistic and will cost you a considerable amount of money. If you’re looking for something that is more affordable, just a few minutes searching online will allow you to discover lots of websites which sell torso sex dolls at prices significantly lower than their competitors. Buying a torso sex doll isn’t as simple as visiting one website and picking out a cheap product though; instead, it is much better to look through all of your options before making your decision. Try not to rush into anything, if possible try before you buy, it really does make a difference. Where can you get custom made torsos? Torsos are typically made out of silicone, which has been a popular choice for sex dolls for decades. Silicone is soft and pliable, but firm enough to be durable and last forever. Plus, it retains heat well -- so your torso will feel warm just like a real person. These torsos are also heavier than a blow-up doll -- they weigh around 50 pounds or more depending on how big you go -- so you'll want to make sure that whoever takes care of your toys has no problem lifting them! In terms of size, you can expect them to measure between 5'1 and 6'2, with most models coming in at right around 5'. This makes it easy to pair any outfit with one of these love dolls. What materials are used for torsos? Silicone, thermoplastic elastomer and vinyl. Silicone is a hypoallergenic material that feels almost like real skin. It warms up to body temperature quickly and has excellent durability — but it’s expensive. Thermoplastic elastomer, or TPE, features great elasticity and resilience as well as breathability — which means it won’t feel cold or sweaty like silicone — but has less durability than silicone. Vinyl is more durable than both silicone and TPE but isn’t porous or able to retain heat (which makes it a poor choice for torso sex doll materials). It also can be more expensive than other materials. How much does it cost? Once you've entered into the realm of torso sex dolls, you might wonder how to move forward. Well, let's start with where not to go: up and down. Up refers to trying bigger torso sex dolls—the so-called Top Heavy (TG) range—and down refers to smaller ones—the Chesty (CG) range. Both are available in all shapes and sizes, but they’re not for everyone. For example, if you have a small frame or a small penis, TG sex dolls will be too large for comfort; likewise CG sex dolls will be too small for most men. With that said, there are plenty of men who do enjoy them both; it just depends on your tastes. I tend to favor CG torso sex dolls because they’re more realistic looking and easier to handle than their larger counterparts. That said, I don’t recommend buying any doll without first checking out its measurements online or at a shop before purchasing it—that way you can get an idea of what size is right for you. https://www.hydoll.com/mini-sex-doll https://youdontneedwp.com/hydoll001/anime-sex-toys-the-new-wave-of-romance https://youdontneedwp.com/hydoll001/introduction-of-anime-sex-toys