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It is undeniable that every product has its advantages and disadvantages. Despite its excellent practicality advantage, a standing desk is also suitable for some people rather than others. In addition, there are some drawbacks to using a dual-purpose desk for both sitting and standing.

The advantages of a best standing desk

People have noticed that sitting upright desks can improve health

Injury and pain prevention

Sitting upright for too long can lead to severe back, neck, shoulders, and wrists. Many office workers who work from 9am to 5pm or longer in the office will feel physical pain when they ultimately decide to take a break.

Many office workers have experienced so much pain that they have joined physical therapy and received massage. This pressure on the back can lead to chronic back problems. Just purchase a standing gaming desk.

Reduce the risk of heart disease

In 1953, a study was conducted and it was proposed that standing is better for overall heart health.

The negative impact of sitting all day cannot even be compensated for by an hour of strict activity.

The advantage of a standing computer desk is that you can switch between sitting and standing during the day. This will reduce the risk of work that could have caused heart disease.

Reduce blood sugar levels

Sitting down immediately after lunch can cause your blood sugar levels to soar. A study was conducted on 23 office workers. The blood sugar levels of workers who sit down every half hour and then stand up and sit again decreased by 11.1%.

Longer lifespan

Research shows that people who sit for long periods die earlier. Usually, people attribute this to a lack of exercise and regular walking habits, but sitting and working all day is also a reason for shortened life expectancy.

stand up desk improve emotions and energy levels

Sitting all day, eating, and then sitting again can lead to laziness. No matter how wonderful the music or conversation may be, if you sit down, excitement will turn into relaxation.

When your body is completely at rest and your posture is bent, energy levels and emotions will decrease. This will affect your work efficiency and work environment.

The height adjustable desk can be adjusted according to preferences
