One of the questions we get asked on a regular basis here at Reimels Family & Cosmetic Dentistry is if brushing more than twice each day is safe for your teeth. The answer is typically no. Howe...

Is Brushing More than Twice Per Day Safe

Internet postato da lilyeven12 || 6 anni fa

One of the questions we get asked on a regular basis here at Reimels Family & Cosmetic Dentistry is if brushing more than twice each day is safe for your teeth. The answer is typically no. However, there are occasional times where it is alright. If you recently ate something that is sticking to your teeth, you can brush one extra time Dental Chair.

This just shouldn’t be the norm. Your Teeth Want You to Brush Twice Each Day Is Brushing More than Twice Per Day Safe To keep your teeth as healthy as possible, the goal is to brush your teeth once in the morning before you get up and get your day started, plus once at night before going to bed. This should be your routine. If you begin brushing more than that, you could damage your teeth. When you brush too often, you can brush off your enamel. This can increase your chances of succumbing to tooth sensitivity, and cause your teeth to decay more rapidly. Neither of these are good for your smile. Brushing More Than Twice a Day Doesn’t Improve Your Dental Health You shouldn’t be brushing more than twice a day as part of your regular dental routine scian nebulizer.

Again, the occasional extra time is fine. It is doing this as part of your daily routine that makes it a problem. Your gums can become inflamed, and your teeth can hurt. This type of pain is totally avoidable. If you need help figuring out the right brushing schedule, come in and see us. Here at Reimels Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we can examine your teeth. Then we can tell you if it looks like you are brushing more than necessary, or just the right amount. Call us today to schedule your next appointment, and let us help you figure out the best brushing routine for you! water picker