I have a lot of emails every day from women who are eager to my advice. I am happy to help in any way I can, but the simple truth is that I can not offer advice unless I completely understand your...

I have a lot of emails every day from women who are eager

Estero postato da aciesuy || 8 anni fa

I have a lot of emails every day from women who are eager to my advice. I am happy to help in any way I can, but the simple truth is that I can not offer advice unless I completely understand your situation!
Sure I could 'guestimate' and take a stab in the dark wild when it comes to offer you advice, but that is not my style ...
It is not what I'm about.
It's not what my business is about.
It may sound a bit cliché, but I think (as a woman with medical hair loss) advice you receive is too important to be willy-nilly and inaccurate.
That's why I owns and runs a wig firm. While I can actually meet my clients you {?} And give you specific advice which in turn will lead us to a solution that works for you. I can not do it by email. I can barely do it via Skype! Although at least a Skype consultation I can actually see and visually assess your current hair situation.
I am writing this post today because I think we seem to miss the importance of how the consultation process is in the world today of emails and online shopping, etc ... This teamed with the fact that someone actually got very cross with me by email recently because I do not want (or should I say could not!) tell her some expensive wig weather would work for it to Unless I met with her!