Persian carpets are the carpets by definition and when you think about a rug, the first image that comes to your mind it’s almost every time the vision of some beautiful and modern Persian rugs. Th...

How to Choose a Modern Persian Rugs

Utilità postato da LucianaM || 7 anni fa

Persian carpets are the carpets by definition and when you think about a rug, the first image that comes to your mind it’s almost every time the vision of some beautiful and modern Persian rugs. Thanks to their unique decorations and their original colours, they can perfectly fit in your house in any of your rooms. You just have to find the best solution that match with the decorations and the style of your room, choosing between a wide range of rugs with different dimensions, shapes, colours and especially with distinct decorations. Antique or modern carpets? It is definitely not easy to answer to this question, but with the help of the experts and the masters of rug’s sector, you will surely find the solution that best suits your home.


How Can you Choose the Perfect Carpet?

If you are not an expert in the field of carpets and rugs, and you really want to buy a new one for your house, the best thing that you can do is asking for some advice and recommendation to who has always worked in this sector. While buying a new carpet, the first rule that you have to follow is related to the fact that the rug must attract you and appeal to you: it is going to be your new companion, and his presence will accompany you for a long, long time. You have to be sure one hundred per cent of your decision, and there is no better way than to check on all the different rugs in a carpet shop or in an online store, so that you can compare and note the similarities and differences between two or more carpets. The perfect hand-knotted rug has to match your home decor, creating the right atmosphere in every of your rooms. You can choose a charming carpet in line with the style of your house, even if it is not strictly necessary: creating a contrast in styles might be an interesting and stimulating idea; it just depends on your taste and your capability of creating the perfect combination between different styles and aspects. Finally, when you decide to buy a specific carpet, just be sure that you meet the specific proportion of the rug.


Antique or Modern Persian Carpets?


Persian carpets are the best known and appreciate carpets of the entire selection of rugs. You can find antique and old Persian carpets or new and modern Persian carpets. But how can you decide which one fits better in your house? Try to close your eyes and figure how it is going to be your room with one or with the other. There are relevant differences between a modern and a classic carpet: the material, the colours, the dye and the woven can be significantly diverse, and the decision to buy one instead of the other, it will affect the interior design of the entire house. However, there is something that both of them have in common, and it is the extreme quality of the materials and the wool used to manufacture these beautiful carpets.