It may seem surprising, but some research suggests that there is a connection between poor oral health and dementia. Studies show that tooth loss in seniors is correlated to poor performance in mem...


Giochi postato da lilyeven12 || 6 anni fa

It may seem surprising, but some research suggests that there is a connection between poor oral health and dementia. Studies show that tooth loss in seniors is correlated to poor performance in memory and walking speed. The current theory is that oral bacteria may spread to the brain through cranial nerves that connect to the jaw. It’s also possible oral bacteria travels through the bloodstream to reach the brain as well. This bacteria may contribute to the type of plaque that’s been linked to Alzheimer’s. Chronic Headaches Compared to the other health problems on this list, chronic headaches don’t seem so bad. But don’t underestimate chronic headaches, because they can be persistent, debilitating, and painful. Here are a few signals which may indicate the headache has a dental origin: Pain behind the eyes Sore jaw muscles Teeth grinding Clicking or popping jaw joints Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, or TMJ, is a common condition that involves problems between the jaw bone and the temporal bone of the skull. Headaches from TMJ can be located on one or both sides of the head and are usually near the temples. If your jaw frequently pops or clicks, mention it to your dentist at your next appointment. Most chronic headaches are categorized as tension headaches, which results from muscular tension that builds up in the face and jaw. Sometimes, this tension is caused by a “bad bite dental handpiece.” If the surfaces of your teeth do not meet along a smooth curve when your jaw is shut, you may have a bad bite. In this case, the muscles in the jaw are forced to constantly overcompensate, which may result in headaches. Stop The Problem At The Source Before dental problems become much bigger problems, take control of your dental health. Follow these important tips to start: Develop Daily Dental Health Habits - Brushing and flossing are the foundation for good oral health. Turn these small tasks into automatic daily habits dental air compressor. Don’t forget to use proper technique! Quit Smoking - If you are a smoker, the single greatest thing you can do for your health is to quit. It isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. Dig into a bunch of great resources to help you kick the habit! Follow A Healthy Diet - The foods you eat and how often you eat them can affect your teeth, gums, mouth, and your whole body Ultrasonic Scaler! Clean up your diet and watch the ripple effect it has on your health and your life. Schedule Regular Dentist Appointments - It’s recommended to see a dentist twice per year, about six months apart. If it’s been a while since your last appointment, don’t put it off any longer. A dental exam and cleaning will put you back on the right track!