In Penny market I had not connected correctly: An old woman in Persian lamb with walker and very ill-fitting wig had a bottle of Kadarka chosen plus a packet of cigarettes Starlight. The wine was 1...

An old woman in Persian lamb with walker and very ill-fitting wig

Estero postato da aciesuy || 8 anni fa

In Penny market I had not connected correctly: An old woman in Persian lamb with walker and very ill-fitting wig had a bottle of Kadarka chosen plus a packet of cigarettes Starlight. The wine was 1.29 cigarettes 3.35 she had to pay 4.64, gave the cashier their whole brass money in hand, but it only came into being 3.90. She spoke so softly that I could not understand short human hair wig, also saw her face not, the cashier then did the cigarette aside. As I thought about asking if I could help out with their 1 Euro. If you are smoking, alcohol is not a stale smoke pleasure, already I saw the woman sitting at the TV and drink the Kadarka sad. She could not concentrate on the program, because they all evening the beautiful cigarettes would have to mourn with every sensory cell.
Then again, I thought that was an unpleasant interference in internal affairs of this moneyless woman who was the cause probably already embarrassing enough. Shortly after I thought again: Oh man, who rejoiced but probably just! But then, this process was completed, I was paying at the series with.
This one has from his eternally stupid weighing. In some situations you need not think because you buy the Ahl en few Blömcher, 3 bars Starlight and 6 boxes Kadarka. Done! Unfortunately, it was to too late. The Old crashed before charging back with her walker and was hit by a truck. The wig flew off and soon drifted rudderless in the gutter. The woman was rescued, later won a lot of money and bought several houses in the southern lake.
I was then not at Family 5 in Blue Shell. The authority hearing Altpunk was afraid of the proximity of the other old punks, was expected to whose presence there strong, no, he did not hesitate to let even chastise different and pondered how. From the poet Jesse Thoor I had never heard, I read in the Frankfurter anthology talk of intuition and got suddenly from unknown sediment segment a wine attack. Fabled.